how to remove a zone?
removing buses is easy, but how do you remove a entry in the zone table (or area, or owner) ? I could save to raw, make the deletion and reload the raw to a new case but I want to avoid the hassle.
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removing buses is easy, but how do you remove a entry in the zone table (or area, or owner) ? I could save to raw, make the deletion and reload the raw to a new case but I want to avoid the hassle.
You can use function psspy.purgzone(sid, all), it can be used to remove zones with no equipment assigned to them. However, if there are equipments assigned with the zones, then the following codes won't do anything.
Example: psspy.zsysinit(1) psspy.zsys(1,1,[11]) psspy.purgzone(1,0)
Thanks a lot!
Hi Jconto, Thank you for your kind response. I have tried all the three steps you ask me to do but problem still happens. I have just posted a question in this website regarding to the problem I met. I hope you can help me to solve the problem I met. The project can be downloaded from the link in the comments in my question. Thank you! You are really an expert and warm-hearted guy!
Asked: Jan 17 '14
Seen: 1,396 times
Last updated: Apr 25 '15