Define new area
I am using sample.raw file, wants to define/add area using python command line. I have added code defining parameters. It does not show any error in the output bar but does not update/add parameters in network data. Kindly guide.
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I am using sample.raw file, wants to define/add area using python command line. I have added code defining parameters. It does not show any error in the output bar but does not update/add parameters in network data. Kindly guide.
To add area 7 with name "NEW AREA" use:
ierr = psspy.area_data(7,_i,[_f,_f],r"""NEW AREA""")
For explanation of ierr see the API manual.
Asked: 2024-12-03 14:22:23 -0600
Seen: 305 times
Last updated: Dec 04 '24
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