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Can anybody help me with PV analysis in PSSE please?

asked Jan 12 '14

jai gravatar image

I am trying to analyse the PV curve of IEEE 14 bus system to find the weakest bus. i am kind of new to PSSE. can anybody guide me on this please?


2 answers

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answered Mar 29 '14

Towana gravatar image

can i know what are steps to do PV & QV?


answered Jan 15 '14

jconto gravatar image

updated Oct 4 '3

I have uploaded a zip file with two py files to show how to run a PV study using the case savnw.sav and auxiliary files (*.sub, *.con, *.mon, *.dfx) All those files are located at the "example" folder of the PSSe installation main folder.

Download the file from my personal Google Drive folder

1: Unzip the file to a working folder and copy the savnw.sav and auxiliary files to it 
2: run the code to execute a PV study, creating an output file savnw.pv
3: run to get PV study data output in a excel file


Excuse me, I don't know if I didn't download it properly or the link just doesn't work. Could you check it out?

Cao Huy gravatar imageCao Huy (Mar 31 '14)

The link works fine, The link will open a new window with a single image icon. right-click on it and select "save image as". After download ends replace the extension ".gif" with ".zip" and unzip the files.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Mar 31 '14)

Hi. I cannot seem to access the files..i want to learn to find the pv solution and plot them. Please help

curiouscase gravatar imagecuriouscase (Oct 11 '16)

PSSPY links to files are not working properly. Try again, this time, downloading from my personal Drive folder.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Oct 12 '16)

Thank you so much jconto!!

curiouscase gravatar imagecuriouscase (Oct 12 '16)

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Asked: Jan 12 '14

Seen: 3,637 times

Last updated: Oct 03 '23