virtual inertia renewable generator model
Hi everyone,I am studying the frequency response of a power system with a high proportion of renewable energy. Do you have dynamic model of virtual inertia in renewable generator ? Thank you
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Hi everyone,I am studying the frequency response of a power system with a high proportion of renewable energy. Do you have dynamic model of virtual inertia in renewable generator ? Thank you
If by virtual inertia you mean a fast, unit-level active power response to off-nominal frequency, it doesn't appear that any of the WECC unit-level models in version 34 have this.
If by virtual inertia you mean grid-forming, WECC has approved two models for this: REGFMA1 & REGFRMB1. It looks like REGFMA1 is available in later versions of PSS/E, but I dont have these so can't provide the details. REGFMB1 was just approved by WECC last week, so hopefully it will be added to PSS/E soon.
Thank you for the anwser.
Asked: Jun 5 '4
Seen: 471 times
Last updated: Jun 10 '24
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The RES you study is wind turbine? Since I consider only the rotating machine give a virtual inertia, which means WT is the one who gives the virtual inertia. Back to question, I use PSSE v34, and I do not see any dynamic model includes that function, so I suggest you could write user-defined model.