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Power factor control of REECA1 model

asked Sep 8 '3

David___ gravatar image

updated Sep 8 '3

May I ask where the power factor reference value of the power factor control of REECA1 model should be set?

Is it at the Network data-Machine-Renewable Machine Power factor? If yes, why did I set it to 0.8 with 3MW of active power but 0 reactive power in dynamic file output?

There is also a question, from the output file, what do I need to see that the current power factor control is satisfied? Is it to look at the active and reactive power output of the model, and then calculate whether the power factor is consistent with the set value?

Look forward to your reply and thank you in advance!

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answered Sep 11 '3

Alex P gravatar image

From the models documentation "4. pfaref (the power factor angle reference) value is initialized by the model based on ini- tial real and reactive power outputs from the machine."

During a dynamic run you can monitor and change this VAR... L+2 Power factor reference angle (pfaref), radians

This is the power factor as reported by the model. It's probably correct, but it's not a bad idea to double check by looking at MW and MVAr flows.

Also, take note of the PFflag on the model block diagram.

The model only supports local power factor at its machine terminals... not at any upstream point.

I hope that helps.


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Asked: Sep 8 '3

Seen: 243 times

Last updated: Sep 11 '23