Slack generator angle
Hello! I am doing a 35 bus network simulation in psse. My problem is that the angle of my slack generator is fixed at about 28. Why it is not zero? i am using the gencls model with H and D=0 (infinity bus).
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Hello! I am doing a 35 bus network simulation in psse. My problem is that the angle of my slack generator is fixed at about 28. Why it is not zero? i am using the gencls model with H and D=0 (infinity bus).
To display other generator angles relative to the slack generator (ex.: unit '1' at bus 100), use:
The angle of the slack generator is calculated (based on machine model, machine internal impedance, its power output, network conditions) by the dynamic solution algorithm inside PSSe, usually rendering a machine angle value different from zero.
Asked: Aug 21 '3
Seen: 200 times
Last updated: Aug 21 '23
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