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How does IMD Model Parameters work?

asked Jun 6 '3

MarioCasHdz gravatar image

I have been trying to calculate the equivalent circuit parameters of an induction motor for a dynamic simulation using the CIM5BL model but I can't find logic to the program, someone who can explain me how it works, I would appreciate it very much, greetings.

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answered Jul 10 '3

lmcqueen gravatar image

IMD program is a parameter estimation tool for induction motors. Most of the time, the information you obtain from induction motor manufacturers are rated torque, maximum torque, starting current or locked-rotor current and/or power factor. Equivalent circuit parameters for the motor oftentimes are not published in the motor nameplate or technical data sheets.

What IMD does is to estimate the motor circuit parameters from the torque-current or speed-torque characteristics. You may need to do a little bit of tuning to obtain the motor-circuit parameters that matches the speed-torque characteristic curve.


answered Jun 7 '3

perolofl gravatar image

See Chapter Load Modeling in PAG, vol 2.



But, what values do I have to change? How do I know that the values I get from the equivalent circuit are correct?

MarioCasHdz gravatar imageMarioCasHdz (Jun 7 '3)

Do you have any information about the motor?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 12 '3)

For example, what information would I need in order to make a rough calculation with the IMD?

MarioCasHdz gravatar imageMarioCasHdz (Jun 12 '3)

For example slip at nominal power, starting current.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 12 '3)

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Asked: Jun 6 '3

Seen: 1,595 times

Last updated: Jul 10 '23