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load increase question

asked 2023-04-28 05:37:52 -0600

Ste gravatar image

updated 2023-04-29 03:21:12 -0600

Hi everyone

When I am simulating the IEEE9bus system. After the system runs stably for 10 seconds. I increase the load of 10MW on Bus5, and then perform dynamic simulation, the frequency will oscillate more and more, where can I find the reason?! http:// (image description)

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answered 2023-05-01 13:07:06 -0600

Alex P gravatar image

Try incrementally reducing the load step size to get a better understanding of what's driving the instability.

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Asked: 2023-04-28 05:37:52 -0600

Seen: 182 times

Last updated: May 01 '23