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psspy.inta() mentioned above and the macro-recording functionality of psse are good points.

Additionally, in the V34 documentation the API manual has a few functions under Chapter 8.23 (Area subsystem data retrieval) that you should look at. - psspy.aareareal is a function that has various options for returning area interchange values. - psspy.aareaint could return you a list of all area numbers. You could combine this function, the array it returns, and the TRXDAT function you mentioned to write a loop that iterates over combinations of existing areas and determines the transfer between those areas.

Finally, you could just do a simple psspy.list() function, and be sure to specify the option so that you output "area interchange data" or "inter-area transfer data"-- obviously doesn't return you values, but would allow you to observe what is going on.

psspy.inta() mentioned above and the macro-recording functionality of psse are good points.

Additionally, in the V34 documentation the API manual has a few functions under Chapter 8.23 (Area subsystem data retrieval) that you should look at. - at.

  • psspy.aareareal is a function that has various options for returning area interchange values. - values.
  • psspy.aareaint could return you a list of all area numbers. You could combine this function, the array it returns, and the TRXDAT function you mentioned to write a loop that iterates over combinations of existing areas and determines the transfer between those areas.

Finally, you could just do a simple psspy.list() function, and be sure to specify the option so that you output "area interchange data" or "inter-area transfer data"-- obviously doesn't return you values, but would allow you to observe what is going on.