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2022-05-23 13:25:22 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2022-05-23 13:21:22 -0500 asked a question Battery state of charging in Power Factory model does not work, any hints?

Hi there, the model is built in DIgSilent PowerFactory. Is there anyone able to indicate the issue with QDSL controlling Battery State of Charging? It keeps the same initial value 20% all the time, therefore model shows that it is charging or discharging energy all the simulation time. It cannot be true since the BESS is 375MWh and simulation is for 24 hours. What is important to notice, the conditions are correct, it looks like the issue is with variables etc. There is grid with model attached, most important Operation Scenario is called "BESS in WF220". Thank you in advance for your input.