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2022-09-08 08:02:34 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2015-11-18 02:46:16 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-11-11 07:03:37 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-11-08 21:28:38 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-11-07 14:26:11 -0500 answered a question psspy module not found in PSS/E 34

Your reputation indeed does precede you jconto! Thank you so much. It worked perfectly for me.

2015-11-07 14:25:41 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-11-07 14:23:59 -0500 answered a question psspy module not found in PSS/E 34

Your reputation indeed does precede you jconto! Thank you so much. It worked perfectly for me.

2015-11-06 09:53:09 -0500 asked a question psspy module not found in PSS/E 34

I am using PSS/E 34 and I have scripts that worked well in version 33. When I use the same script on my cases in version 34 I get the error: "No module named ppspy". I later noticed that this module and the associated drivers were absent in the bin folder. I have reinstalled the application but the problem still persists. There is no information in the documentation that mentions any change in module name or setup. Is there anything I'm missing or this could be a vendor problem?

2015-11-04 18:35:01 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-10-28 05:24:56 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-10-28 04:46:57 -0500 commented question PSSE 34 and 33 CASE INCOMPATIBILITY

Thanks for your reply Gustavo. Can you please be more specific? I know that previous versions can be selected when saving *.raw files but there is no tab like that when saving *.sav files.

2015-10-28 04:45:00 -0500 answered a question PSSE 34 and 33 CASE INCOMPATIBILITY

Thanks for your reply Gustavo. Can you please be more specific? I know that previous versions can be selected when saving *.raw files but there is no tab like that when saving *.sav files.

2015-10-28 03:06:06 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-10-27 05:28:12 -0500 asked a question PSSE 34 and 33 CASE INCOMPATIBILITY

I am unable to open any cases saved in version 34 with PSSE version 33. Is there a way to save files for compatibility?

2015-07-27 05:42:29 -0500 answered a question PSS/E Output window not visible

Go to view and select the output bar. Try docking it if it appears. If this does not help I suggest you reinstall PSS/E, that always works for me. Wish you the best.