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2013-11-07 21:13:42 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-09-20 01:34:12 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-09-20 01:34:12 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-05-28 15:41:57 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-05-23 09:57:27 -0500 commented question Is there any way to prevent pssexcel from closing excel

I figure if I could look at the code I might be able to find something, however, it is a .pyc and I do not know how to uncompile the code.

2013-05-23 09:52:57 -0500 commented question Is there any way to prevent pssexcel from closing excel

Nope, pssexceluserin does not shut down the sheets. Just to confirm, I created a new file with a single line "import pssexcel" and ran it in PSSE with a single file open in excel, and it closed excel. I repeated the same single line file with pssexceluserin and excelpy and excel stayed open.

2013-05-23 09:03:11 -0500 commented question Is there any way to prevent pssexcel from closing excel

ran out of space above pssexcel.pv(pvOutputFile,string,colabel=colabel,xlsfile=xlsfile,sheet=sheet,overwritesheet=overwritesheet)

2013-05-23 09:02:53 -0500 commented question Is there any way to prevent pssexcel from closing excel

I just did. And it does not close excel. However, how do I have excelpy print my PV results automatically. With pssexcel I can use this line to print the results so I do can analyze the results automatically in excel and then print the results of the analysis.

2013-05-22 08:52:36 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-05-22 08:50:57 -0500 asked a question Is there any way to prevent pssexcel from closing excel

I am running a couple of macros off of excel.

These macros then launch batch files which run python macros, who in turn convert PV results to excel using the pssexcel function.

However, once I Import pssexcel, it closes all of the excel sheets that are already open, and as such I cant copy the PV results onto the output spreadsheet.

Any Ideas?

2013-05-08 04:58:23 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2013-05-08 04:58:12 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-05-04 05:58:10 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-05-01 08:24:23 -0500 asked a question Closing PSSE from python

I initiate a python file in PSSE through a batch file. I have no problems with launching the program or anything of the sort, however, once I am done. How do I close the program?

My Python script processes and saves the case without any problems, but I just dont know how to close PSSE when I am done!

Any ideas?