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2013-04-26 08:11:55 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2012-11-21 09:33:18 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2012-11-17 11:11:28 -0500 commented answer Slider printing issue

For myself, I just changed the de-energized bus to purple so it shows up better. However, we use these slider print outs for our reports too and management has gotten used to the older format. So our current work around is use V30 for the printouts.

2012-11-17 11:08:22 -0500 commented answer Slider printing issue

If I remember correctly the export to jpg feature takes a screen capture of your window. Unless you have a super big and high resolution screen, the quality is fairly bad. Our group did asked for support from PSSE but thus far have not gotten any where.

2012-11-17 11:00:38 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2012-11-13 15:37:34 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2012-11-13 14:45:55 -0500 asked a question Slider printing issue

I have the following settings for my PSSE version 30 and 32 slider files:

  • Bus bar is set to filled under diagram properties
  • Out of service equipment shown with Style Dot under diagram annotation

In PSSE 30, I get the same visual display for a de-energized bus on screen and on print as I should. In PSSE 32, de-energized bus will show as dotted non-filled rectangle box on screen but will show up as dotted filled rectangle box on print.

Does anyone have this issue with PSSE 32?

I am wondering if there is a work around to this problem but have no luck so far. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.