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asked Mar 9 '2

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What would be PV analysis termination criteria?

Regarding PV analysis in PSSe, what is the termination criteria if we uncheck the voltage limit?

I run a PV analysis without voltage limit and chose 0.5 MW as mismatch tolerance. Is the mismatch tolerance considered as termination for increasing the power transfer to the next step?

if so, It doesn't indicate the divergence in power flow computation and only considers the mismatch for the next level. Am I right?

For example, what would be the termination condition here ( there is no low voltage limit check, and mismatch tol. is 0.5 MW)?

MW TRANSFER-> 0.000 100.000 200.000 300.000 400.000

LARGEST MVA MISMATCH 0.01791 0.06002 0.06557 0.16307 0.45200

TOTAL MVA MISMATCH 0.02811 0.12424 0.13641 0.35181 1.12765



Also, what is the meaning of 'CONVERGE CONDITION' here which they all are empty here?!

Thanks a lot for supporting me here!
