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Using Dyntools to Plot Many .OUT Files

I am trying to use Dyntools to plot each .OUT file in a directory, one by one. What I am doing is setting up my optnchn dictionary, then looping through each .OUT file in the directory, creating a chnf object, updating the filename, and calling .xyplots() to plot it. This works fine, in the sense that I get a pdf file output for each .OUT file, but I get the following error:

C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook\ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.

What ends up happening is that each subsequent plot is overlapping the previous plot. It seems to be 're-using' the previous plot that was created. The only way around this that I have found is to run each plot individually one by one. I have tried many things like moving the .xyplots() call to its own function, and returning chnf. I have also tried to put a .plots_close after the plot is created, and this just terminates the program. Code is inserted below. Any ideas as to what I am missing?

# Create list with all .OUT files in directory
outlist = glob.glob(r'C:\Users\Manny\Documents\PRC-12\2019_____SPS_Effectiveness_Study\results\dynamics\Phase_I\_OUT\*.out')

# Setup Channels - Each .OUT file has 7 plots, with 6 channels each.
optnchn = {1:{'chns':[7,9,53,55,59,79]},
            6:{'chns': [100,103,105,109,119,120]},
            7:{'chns': [81,83,85,86,88,89]}

# Counter for filenames
j = 1

# Loop thru each .OUT file
for i in outlist:

    # Create object with current out file, set options
    chnf = dyntools.CHNF(i)
    optn = {'size': 'Letter', 'orientation': 'Landscape', 'title': '2019 ___SPS Effectiveness Study - Phase I', 'dpi': 300, 'showttl': True}

    # Set Filename for current .OUT file plot results
    plotfile1 = r'C:\Users\Manny\Documents\PRC-12\2019____SPS_Effectiveness_Study\results\plot_logs\PHASE I\SimPlots'
    plotfile2 = j
    plotfile3 = '.pdf'
    plotfile = plotfile1 + str(plotfile2) + plotfile3
    j = j+1

    # Produce Plot
    ierr = chnf.xyplots(optnchn, optn, plotfile)

    if ierr:
        print('Errors Were Found')

        print('No Errors Found')