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Exporting Fault Currents from PSSE to Excel v34


How do you export 3ph fault currents to excel.

Im using:

robj = pssarrays.iecs_currents(sid=sid, all=0, flt3ph=1)

to run the study and store the results in the object robj. How do i get the values within this object and insert them into excel just like you would for bus numbers for example...

ierr, busses = psspy.abusint(sid=sid, flag=flag, "NUMBER")...... workbook.set_range(2, 'a', zip(*busses))

Exporting Fault Currents from PSSE to Excel v34


How do you export 3ph fault currents to excel.

Im using:

robj = pssarrays.iecs_currents(sid=sid, all=0, flt3ph=1)

to run the study and store the results in the object robj. How do i get the values within this object and insert them into excel just like you would for bus numbers for example...

ierr, busses = psspy.abusint(sid=sid, flag=flag, "NUMBER")...... workbook.set_range(2, 'a', zip(*busses))

Thank you

Exporting Fault Currents from PSSE to Excel v34


How do you export 3ph fault currents to excel.

Im using:

robj = pssarrays.iecs_currents(sid=sid, all=0, flt3ph=1)

to run the study and store the results in the object robj. How do i get the values within this object for multiple buses, and insert them into excel just like you would for bus numbers for example...

ierr, busses = psspy.abusint(sid=sid, flag=flag, "NUMBER")...... workbook.set_range(2, 'a', zip(*busses))

Thank you