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test case for starting of CIMTR3 as induction machine


I want to simulate starting of induction machine, CIMTR3 using PSS/E. In this way, I have made a simple test-case (attached) and the scenario is to change the status of the CIMTR3 from OFF to ON at t=1sec using the following code:

psspy.machinedata2(i=1, id='1', intgar1=1)

Note: time step=0.001 sec.

I am able to successfully run this test-case with in python, but I see oscillation in TELEC & QMOTOR of CIMTR3 which seems to me as numerical issue probably caused by bad data.

image description

In this way, does anybody have any good test-case for starting of CIMTR3 machine or can anybody help me to modify the attached data to have numerically stable results without any oscillations?




Note: To have the data, please replace *.jpg extension with *.raw for the first file and with *.dyr for the second one.

