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Get names of buses in correct order.

To get the names of buses, I create a subsystem consisting of the buses I want, using psspy.bsys, then I use abuschar to get the bus names, like this:

psspy.bsys(1,0,[ 0.69, 400.],0,[],1,[buses],0,[],0,[])
ierr, carray = psspy.abuschar(1,2,'NAME')

This gives me the names in the order they are listed in PSS/E. What I want is to get the names of the buses, sorted in the same order as my list buses.

My solution has been to make multiple subsystems, and call abuschar several times. Is there a way to avoid this?

nodes = [1,2,3,10,4]

for x in range(0,len(nodes)):
   psspy.bsys(x,0,[ 0.69, 400.],0,[],1,[nodes[x]],0,[],0,[])

   ierr, carray = psspy.abuschar(1,2,'NAME')   
   names[x] = carray[0][0].strip()

Get names of buses in correct order.

To get the names of buses, I create a subsystem consisting of the buses I want, using psspy.bsys, then I use abuschar to get the bus names, like this:

psspy.bsys(1,0,[ 0.69, 400.],0,[],1,[buses],0,[],0,[])
ierr, carray = psspy.abuschar(1,2,'NAME')

This gives me the names in the order they are listed in PSS/E. What I want is to get the names of the buses, sorted in the same order as my list buses.

My solution has been to make multiple subsystems, and call abuschar several times. Is there a way to avoid this?

nodes = [1,2,3,10,4]

for x in range(0,len(nodes)):
   psspy.bsys(x,0,[ 0.69, 400.],0,[],1,[nodes[x]],0,[],0,[])

   ierr, carray = psspy.abuschar(1,2,'NAME') psspy.abuschar(x,2,'NAME')   
   names[x] = carray[0][0].strip()