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My output from python is different from PSSE

asked Mar 26 '3

erikpalen gravatar image

updated Mar 26 '3

Hello! I am trying to run some dynamic simulations in a small network. I used the .sld, .sav, and .dyr to run the simulation in PSSE to make sure that it was working correctly. Then I wanted to run it through Python to automate it but when I looked at the output from the python code I thought it looked slightly different. I thought that the simulation in PSSE might use some different command so I went into PSSE again and recorded the process of: 1. doing a load flow, 2. converting loads and generators, 3. loading the .dyr-file. 4 setting up the channel wizard, 5 running the simulation where I apply a fault at a particular bus for 100 ms.

When I stopped the recording and looked at the generated python code I thought it looked very similar to the one I had been using before. I tried running the generated code and compared the output coming directly from PSSE. To my surprise, there was still a small difference. The output file from PSSE is also slightly bigger (119 kb vs 114 for python).

I would provide a picture of a voltage graph but the forum won't let me.


Are you talking about the size of the out-file?

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 26 '3)

@perolofl Yes, the sizes of the files are different but the values are also different. For example, when I look at the voltage at one of the buses during a fault the oscillation that happens after the fault has a smaller amplitude in the file that I get when running through python

erikpalen gravatar imageerikpalen (Mar 27 '3)

Execute the python script from PSSE and check the results.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 27 '3)

@perolofl How do I do that? I can't find where I should paste the code.

erikpalen gravatar imageerikpalen (Mar 28 '3)

Use "Run program Automation file...".

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Mar 28 '3)

1 answer

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answered Apr 17 '3

Alex P gravatar image

Double check that your dynamic simulation parameters are the same. Or make sure they are the same by pro-actively setting them to what you want. Particularly simulation time step, acceleration factor and frequency filter.


Dynamics > Solution parameters... > Dynamic Solution Parameters

Good luck ;)


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Asked: Mar 26 '3

Seen: 809 times

Last updated: Apr 17 '23