Planning studies are generally based on calculated line constants. Calculations contain assumptions on soil resistivity, etc. that may not always be correct. Here is an article that discusses the measurement aspect of line constants and its relevance.
Method to calculate line parameters
Here is a brute force method right out of the text books for calculating the line parameters of a 400KV transmission line.
The various steps in the calculation process are:
- Read the conductor and tower configuration data.
- Determine the various constants (GMR, GMD, etc) required for further processing of the data.
- Perform all spacing calculations
- Determine the potential co-efficient values and and form the potential co-efficient matrix.
- Invert to form capacitance matrix
- Extract the +ve seq., -ve seq. and zero seq. susceptance.
- Determine the various phase impedance.
- Form the impedance matrix.
- Extract the resistance and seq. reactance.
First read in the conductor and tower data as follows:
Cond = 'ACSR 54/7/3.53'
Ew = 'GS 7/3.66'
nc = 2. # number of circuits
nb = 4. # number of conductors in bundle
ne = 2. # number of earthwires
f = 50. # frequency in Hertz
V = 400. # base voltage in kV
S = 100. # base MVA
radc = 0.015885 # conductor radius in meters
Rc = 0.0556 # conductor dc resistance at 20 degC in ohms/km
rade = 0.004725 # earthwire radius in meters
Re = 2.5 # earthwire resistance in ohms/km
rho = 169.84 # earth resistivity in ohm-meter
sagc = 13.262 # average sag of conductor
sage = 10.199 # average sag of earthwire
dcs = 0.457 # sub-conductor spacing
kc = 0.81 # stranding factor of conductor
ke = 0.726 # stranding factor of earthwire
The main point to note here is the conductor resistance. I have used a dc resistance value but AC resistance ought to be used in actual practice.
Next read in the tower configuration data:
Tower Configuration Data
xa = -7.545 # Distance between bundle a and tower center line
xb = -6.872 # Distance between bundle b and tower center line
xc = -6.510 # Distance between bundle c and tower center line
xf = 7.545 # Distance between bundle f and tower center line
xg = 6.872 # Distance between bundle g and tower center line
xh = 6.510 # Distance between bundle h and tower center line
xe1 = -3.756 # Distance between ew1 and tower center line
xe2 = 3.756 # Distance between ew2 and tower center line
ye1 = 42.068 # distance between earthwire and ground in meters
ye2 = 42.068 # distance between earthwire and ground in meters
ya = 21.835 # distance between bundle a and ground in meters
yb = 29.835 # distance between bundle b and ground in meters
yc = 37.835 # distance between bundle c and ground in meters
yf = 21.835 # distance between bundle f and ground in meters
yg = 29.835 # distance between bundle g and ground in meters
yh = 37.835 # distance between bundle h and ground in meters
We now have all the input data for our computation.
Next calculate the ... (more)
My experience is so high level that I cannot answer your question. I am hoping that someone else will be able to chip in with their process. Good question @amaity.