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Save .raw case after updating the transformer limits in python

asked Aug 31 '2

yugpatel22 gravatar image

updated Aug 31 '2

Hello! I have a quick question to save .raw case in the python script.

I am implementing a python script for changing the voltage limits of the 2-winding transformer using this function from the PSSEv35 API: twowindingchng_6. The code is running without any error and I can see the voltage limit changes being made in the Logfile that is generated after the run. However, I am unable to see these changes in the .raw case file even if I reopen it in PSSE after the successful script run. If you can help me get around this issue or point to a helpful API function that would be great. Cheers!

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answered Sep 1 '2

perolofl gravatar image

The API will only change the value in the working files. You have to save current data to a raw data file with API RAWD_2.



That was helpful. Appreciate your response!

yugpatel22 gravatar imageyugpatel22 (Sep 1 '2)

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Asked: Aug 31 '2

Seen: 341 times

Last updated: Sep 01 '22