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How to create .plb file using psse35? What should be the settings of PLBVF1 model?

asked Jun 18 '2

brownkid gravatar image

I have added the model PLBVF1 and changed the value of 'Voltage playback flag' and 'Frequency playback flag' to '1'. I have also changed Playback file name (in single quotes, without ".plb") to 'myfile'.

I cannot locate 'myfile.plb' in my directory. Kindly Help

2 answers

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answered Jun 19 '2

N.Nikolaev gravatar image

The PLB file shall be located in the same path as the DYR file. First, your DYR file must contain the following definition of the playback model:

BusNr 'USRMDL' machID 'PLBVFU1' 1 1 3 4 3 6 1 1 'PLBFNAME' Ubase Fbase 0.000 0.000 /

Note that at that bus no other dynamic model shall be attached.



The PLB file shall be in the working directory of PSSE!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 20 '2)

answered Jun 18 '2

perolofl gravatar image

The file "myfile.plb" is not created by PSSE. You have to create the file yourself.

Here is an example on how the file may look like with voltage in kV and frequency in Hz:

0 21.6 50
1 21.6 50 
11 21.6 47
21 21.6 50
25 21.6 50


Thankyou but can you also tell me the steps for where to use this plb file? saving plb file using text editor?

brownkid gravatar imagebrownkid (Jun 18 '2)

Yes, create the text file with a text editor.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 19 '2)

Read the notes in the model data sheet!

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 19 '2)

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Asked: Jun 18 '2

Seen: 1,308 times

Last updated: Jun 19 '22