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How to detect if Python or PSSE is running the show.

asked Apr 19 '12

chip gravatar image

I have a script that is normally launched from the shell with PSSE on top like so:

psse32 -buses 150000 -pyfile "" -embed

I am converting the script to run with Python on top as part of a larger python program. Does anyone know how to detect if I am running as an embedded session in PSSE or standalone?

I found have an indirect route by explicitly setting the mode:

def main(embedded=True):
    if embedded:
        # do something else to finish up.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # PSSE embedded scripts enter here 

And invoke the script using:

import MyScript

1 answer

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answered Apr 20 '12

Daniel_Hillier gravatar image

updated Apr 22 '12

You can see which application started Python by looking at sys.executable, which returns the executable that was used to start the Python session.

import os
import sys

def main():
    # Determine if this script is being run from PSSE or plain Python.
    full_path_executable = sys.executable
    # Remove the folder path and keep only the executable file (in lower case).
    executable = os.path.basename(full_path_executable).lower()

    run_in_psse = True
    if executable in ['python.exe', 'pythonw.exe']:
        # If the executable was one of the above, it is a Python session.
        run_in_psse = False        

    if not run_in_psse:
        # do something else to finish up.


Looks like a nice trick, the sys.executable [docs]( in Python don't really explain this.

chip gravatar imagechip (Apr 20 '12)

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Asked: Apr 19 '12

Seen: 1,094 times

Last updated: Apr 21 '12