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retrieve convergence status after power flow in python

asked Mar 24 '2

psse_user_88 gravatar image


Up to now, I have used this script for creating 24 cases in PSSE(one day), using python to read load, generation, branches status, choose swing node for different scenarios ect. (link text)

I need to make the following updates to my script:

  1. create a table for reporting the convergence status of each case. is there a command to retrieve for each run of power flow, the messages whether the case did converge or not? I mean to retrieve the part "reached 5 iterations"

This would help, so the user at the end of the run of the script will know if any case did not converge.

Thank you

1 answer

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answered Mar 24 '2

perolofl gravatar image

Use API ival = psspy.solved() to retrieve the status of the solution attempt.

ival = 0 if solution met convergence tolerance. ival > 0 otherwise.

See API manual for details.



great, thank you.

psse_user_88 gravatar imagepsse_user_88 (Mar 25 '2)

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Asked: Mar 24 '2

Seen: 735 times

Last updated: Mar 24 '22