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CMLDBLU2 model causing NaN after large disturbance

asked 2022-03-22 13:02:48 -0600

ntesla001 gravatar image

updated 2022-03-22 13:03:27 -0600

Hello, im trying to simulate a large disturbance (loss of large synchronous generators) and after 3-4 seconds into the simulation, the NaN errors show up in the log. Any advice? i have reduced timestep etc.. Case is fine with the CLODBLU model..

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answered 2022-03-23 09:20:39 -0600

perolofl gravatar image

Model CMLDBLU2 is very advanced with 133 CONs!!!

Have you monitored the bus voltage? Does it go low or high before crash?

Have you monitored the STATES and VARS of the model to see where it goes berserk?

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i found the issue and resolved it. its due to CMLDBLU2 model itself.

ntesla001 gravatar imagentesla001 ( 2022-03-25 10:13:59 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-03-22 13:02:48 -0600

Seen: 199 times

Last updated: Mar 23 '22