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Corrective Action - Subsystem Definition

asked 2022-02-17 10:45:05 -0600

Automation Guy gravatar image

Hello All, I have implemented an automation program that does power flow, contingency analysis and corrective actions for the lines that are overloaded over 100% of the specified limit. However, the problem that I have is PSSE only gives an option to define a subsystem where generation will be redispatched (increment and decrement of generators in same area) to mitigate the overloads as part of corrective action and this works as designed. I wanted to go further ahead and say that I wanted to decrement generators from particular area and increment generators particularly from another area such that inc/Dec is not performed in the same area and I’m not sure how do I define that in the subsystem definition for redispatching generators.

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answered 2022-02-19 04:40:11 -0600

Anil Kumar gravatar image

Sir, I understand that you want to change the generation/load for a perticular subsystem either increment or decrement. this activity can be done by designing the subsystem and use the pertifuclar subsystem for increment or decrement.

    change = 100
        ############################   Automation ##############################
   psspy.bsys(1,0,[0.0, 0.12E+04],1,[4601],0,[],0,[],0,[]) # area 4601 having subsystem identifier 1
    #iniatialization and increment of generation in area 4601
    psspy.scal_2(1,0,2,[2,3,1,1,0],[_f, change,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f])

    psspy.bsys(2,0,[0.0, 0.12E+04],1,[4101],0,[],0,[],0,[])# area 4101 having subsystem identifier 2

    # initialization and decrement of generation in area 4101
    ierr = psspy.scal_2(2,0,2,[2,3,1,1,0],[ _f,-change,_f,_f, _f,_f,_f])
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please upvote if correct

Anil Kumar gravatar imageAnil Kumar ( 2022-02-19 04:40:32 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2022-02-17 10:45:05 -0600

Seen: 215 times

Last updated: Feb 19 '22