export sld
Good night: How can I export only a part of the sld diagram?
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You can zoom in sld diagram, chose file/export/diagram image It will export which you see on the screen.
Asked: Apr 30 '13
Seen: 2,192 times
Last updated: Nov 29 '18
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Which part? I'm not sure how you would do that. Good question.
Ok, for example I have to exporte all the sld image, but I want a good resolution, so the image is bigger than the part that I see, so I need to copy part by part of it, and it means a lot of time to do this. I have seen that the cursor has XY coordinates, but I don´t know if this can help.
Can you to zoom to the area you want to export and then export? In my experience PSS/E only exports the area of the slider that is visible in the window.
@Dário, the problem is you have to put piece by piece together. How about when you print out as pdf using the biggest output option? e.g. adobe 90x90 inch