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export sld

asked Apr 30 '13

Dário gravatar image

Good night: How can I export only a part of the sld diagram?


Which part? I'm not sure how you would do that. Good question.

JervisW gravatar imageJervisW (May 8 '13)

Ok, for example I have to exporte all the sld image, but I want a good resolution, so the image is bigger than the part that I see, so I need to copy part by part of it, and it means a lot of time to do this. I have seen that the cursor has XY coordinates, but I don´t know if this can help.

Dário gravatar imageDário (May 15 '13)

Can you to zoom to the area you want to export and then export? In my experience PSS/E only exports the area of the slider that is visible in the window.

KyleA gravatar imageKyleA (May 24 '13)

@Dário, the problem is you have to put piece by piece together. How about when you print out as pdf using the biggest output option? e.g. adobe 90x90 inch

SC gravatar imageSC (Feb 4 '14)

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answered Nov 29 '18

DaViD gravatar image

You can zoom in sld diagram, chose file/export/diagram image It will export which you see on the screen.


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Asked: Apr 30 '13

Seen: 2,216 times

Last updated: Nov 29 '18