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Swing Bus Negative Active Power

asked Jun 11 '1

Sameh gravatar image

Could you please explain what is the electrical and physical meaning that the active power of Swing Bus is get in negative (-ve) after running the power flow analysis. I understand that there are other generators capable of feeding the loads with the power. But what this -ve means in reality inside the machine?

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answered Jun 17 '1

lmcqueen gravatar image

As answered above, swing bus generation becomes negative if the generation from type 2 buses is greater than the total load plus losses of the network. The swing bus adjusts for the generation-demand balance in the network. This is the mathematical function of the swing/slack generation in terms of load flow calculation.

What's the physical meaning if the swing bus generation becomes negative? The dispatch of the generators is made in an unrealistic way. You have to remember that a swing generator is also a real machine and it has Pmax/Pmin and Qmax/Qmin limits.


answered Jun 11 '1

perolofl gravatar image

The active power generation at the swing bus becomes negative if the total generation of type 2 generator buses is larger than the total load + losses.

You have to decrease the generation at some other generators.

This is really basics for load flow calculation... I recommend to study the theory of load flow calculation prior to use PSSE.



Thank you for this valued answer. I already studied load flow in university however I want understand this in reality. What does it mean that a generator has negative power? Can this occur? Thanks again

Sameh gravatar imageSameh (Jun 11 '1)

We are not dealing with a real generator, it is a swing bus! A swing bus has no boundaries.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 11 '1)

Google swing bus or slack bus.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Jun 11 '1)

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Asked: Jun 11 '1

Seen: 1,213 times

Last updated: Jun 17 '21