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I want to change the active power of a certain generator, namely changing the variable "PGEN" in sav file, how can I achieve that through psspy?

asked May 20 '1

snapshot gravatar image

Actually I want to conduct multiple-run dynamic simulation within PSSE, and during every single run the PGEN needs to be changed, so I want to know is there any corresponding functions of psspy ?

2 answers

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answered May 21 '1

maryam gravatar image

updated May 21 '1

The general way is the way which @perolofl said, you can also record the changes in the .dyr and all the changes in your simulation. In especial case: for example, if you want to change the active and reactive power of the generator at bus 10 to 30 and 50, you can use the following code

psspy.machine_chng_2(10,r"""1""",[_i,_i,_i,_i,_i,_i],[_f, 50.0,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f]) #change the Q to 50 psspy.machine_chng_2(10,r"""1""",[_i,_i,_i,_i,_i,_i],[ 30.0,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f,_f]) #change the P to 30 Based on the above codes, each of the _i, and -f are as follows:

Bus Number, Bus Name, Id, Term Node Num , Term Node Name, Area Num , Area Name, Zone Num ,Zone Name, Code VSched (up), Remote Bus Number, In Service PGen (MW), PMax (MW), PMin (MW), QGen (Mvar), QMax (Mvar), QMin (Mvar), Mbase (MVA), R Source (up), X Source (up), RTran (pu)



Thank you so much!!!

snapshot gravatar imagesnapshot (May 26 '1)

answered May 20 '1

perolofl gravatar image

The best way to find the API for data changing in PSSE is to do the following.

  1. Start recording of a python script.

  2. Apply the change manually via PSSE GUI.

  3. Stop recording.

  4. Open the created python script in a text editor and check the content. You will then see the API with its arguments.



Thank you so much!!! it did help a lot

snapshot gravatar imagesnapshot (May 26 '1)

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Asked: May 20 '1

Seen: 1,154 times

Last updated: May 21 '21