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abuschar data to excel

asked May 1 '1

Eneko gravatar image

I'm trying to extract the information contained in a psse .raw file into a Excel file.

I'm doing pretty fine with data obtained from 'abusint' functions but I getting an error when I try to do the same with data obteined from ''abuschar'.

I guess the error that I'm getting is related to the data type that comes out from 'abuschar' (string type data instead of an integer).

I've not tried yet but i think i'll have the same issue when i'll use 'abrncplx' to get complex impedances of branches.

I'm using pandas to write data into Excel.

I'll be most grateful if somebody could help me with this "psse + pandas" related issue!!


NOTE: Find next the code that I'm using for that:

 # Base case is loaded ================================================================================================================================ + "\\" + base_case)

# Data is read from .raw file ========================================================================================================================
ierr, BusNumber     = psspy.abusint(sid, string='NUMBER')
ierr, BusName       = psspy.abuschar(sid, string='NAME')
ierr, FromName      = psspy.abrnchar(sid, string='FROMNAME')
ierr, ToName        = psspy.abrnchar(sid, string='TONAME')
ierr, FromNum       = psspy.abrnint(sid, string='FROMNUMBER')
ierr, ToNum         = psspy.abrnint(sid, string='TONUMBER')
ierr, Length        = psspy.abrnreal(sid,string='LENGTH')
ierr, Impedance     = psspy.abrncplx(sid,string='RX')
ierr, Losses        = psspy.abrncplx(sid,string='PQLOSS')
ierr, MachNum       = psspy.amachint(sid, string='NUMBER')
ierr, MachStatus    = psspy.amachint(sid, string='STATUS')
ierr, MachID        = psspy.amachchar(sid, string='ID')
ierr, LoadNum       = psspy.aloadint(sid, string='NUMBER')
ierr, LoadStatus    = psspy.aloadint(sid, string='STATUS')
ierr, LoadValue     = psspy.aloadreal(sid, string='MVAACT')
ierr, LoadID        = psspy.aloadchar(sid, string='ID')

## PSSE returns a "list of lists" for each of the subsystem data retrieval functions
## We need to pull out the first element of each to make it easier to work with:
BusNumber   = BusNumber[0]
BusName     = BusName[0]
FromNum     = FromNum[0]
ToNum       = ToNum[0]
FromName    = FromName[0]
ToName      = ToName[0]
Length      = Length[0]
Impedance   = Impedance[0]
Losses      = Losses[0]
MachNum     = MachNum[0]  
MachStatus  = MachStatus[0]
MachID      = MachID[0]    
LoadNum     = LoadNum[0]   
LoadStatus  = LoadStatus[0]
LoadValue   = LoadValue[0] 
LoadID      = LoadID[0]

BusList = []
for i in range(len(BusNumber)):
    BusList.append([BusNumber[i], BusName[i]])

BranchList = []
for i in range(len(FromNum)):
    BranchList.append([FromNum[i], ToNum[i], FromName[i], ToName[i], Length[i], Impedance[i], Losses[i]])

MachineList = []
for i in range(len(MachNum)):
    MachineList.append([MachNum[i], MachStatus[i], MachID[i]])

LoadList = []
for i in range(len(LoadNum)):
    LoadList.append([LoadNum[i], LoadStatus[i], LoadValue[i], LoadID[i]])

busNumber   = []
busName     = []
fromBus     = []
toBus       = []
fromName    = []
toName      = []
length      = []
impedance   = []
losses      = []
machNum     = []
machStatus  = []
machID      = []
loadNum     = []
loadStatus  = []
loadValue   = []
loadID      = []

for i in range(len(BusList)):

for i in range(len(BranchList)):

for i in range(len(MachineList)):
    machID.append(MachineList[i][2 ...

2 answers

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answered May 17 '1

Eneko gravatar image

it works with a simple and plain to_csv


answered May 3 '1

jconto gravatar image

updated May 5 '1

The pandas dataframes looks OK. Make sure that "path", Excel_file" are defined and pandas import works.

Define sid before calling 'abusint' and similar functions. Set sid=-1 for all buses.

Using 'savnw.sav' and engine set to xlsxwriter, I got an xlsx file output:

#writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename, engine='openpyxl') 
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename, engine='xlsxwriter') 
#wb  =

df_nodes.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'NODES')
df_branches.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = 'BRANCHES')

Another way is to use pandas' dataframe to_excel method:

# from
import pandas as pd 

# dictionary of data 
dct = {'ID': {0: 23, 1: 43, 2: 12, 3: 13, 4: 67, 5: 89, 
              6: 90, 7: 56, 8: 34}, 
      'Name': {0: 'Ram', 1: 'Deep', 2: 'Yash', 3: 'Aman', 
               4: 'Arjun', 5: 'Aditya', 6: 'Divya', 7: 'Chalsea', 8: 'Akash' }, 
      'Marks': {0: 89, 1: 97, 2: 45, 3: 78, 
                4: 56, 5: 76, 6: 100, 7: 87, 8: 81}, 
      'Grade': {0: 'B', 1: 'A', 2: 'F', 3: 'C', 4: 'E', 5: 'C', 6: 'A', 7: 'B', 8: 'B'} 

# forming dataframe
data = pd.DataFrame(dct) 

# storing into the excel file


Many thanks for your answer. I modified my code accordingly and it looks like I passed through the line where so far my code was crashing. Anyway, I'm still getting an error with "" I planned to paste the error message that I got but it seems the length in this window is limited.

Eneko gravatar imageEneko (May 5 '1)

should I consider something else to make the command "" work as it should?

Eneko gravatar imageEneko (May 5 '1)

is the python module "xlsxwriter" installed?

jconto gravatar imagejconto (May 5 '1)

yes, it is installed and imported "import xlsxwriter"

Eneko gravatar imageEneko (May 5 '1)

See my edited answer above.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (May 5 '1)

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Asked: May 1 '1

Seen: 653 times

Last updated: May 17 '21