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how to add pip or numpy to python 2.7?

asked Mar 30 '1

for running a script in python 2.7, I need to import numpy, I've got the message "No module named numpy", then to install it, I need to have pip while I can't install pip for python 2.7. does any body have been trying to install pip for python 2.7 before?

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answered Mar 30 '1

likethevegetable gravatar image

Pip should be installed by default. Go to the command line, type Python, and it should give you some message saying either Python 2.7.x, some other version, or that Python is not in path.

If 2.7 is found, type this in command line:

python -m pip install numpy


"C:\yourpathto\python.exe" -m pip install numpy

Where yourpathto is changed according to your setup.


answered Mar 30 '1

jconto gravatar image

In win10, open a CMD window (a DOS window) and enter:

c:\..>pip install numpy

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Asked: Mar 30 '1

Seen: 1,983 times

Last updated: Mar 30 '21