There is more than one right way to do it. What are you trying to achieve @Hector?
Different buses will require different types of control.
where you can directly control the Power and Reactive Power;
and PV
where you can control the Power and Voltage. The reactive power
will change to support the set
I'm sure you already know the above, but some other students reading might not.
Are you writing a QV Curve generator?
Here is some starter code:
def main():
"""Add a constant 20MVAr load to these buses."""
buses = [101, 102, 103] # these should be PQ type buses
for bus in buses
load = {'ql': 20} # Constant MVAr
add_load_to(bus, load)
and if you were curious about where that add_load_to
function comes from? Here is the code.
import uuid
def add_load_to(bus, load):
"""Create a load (can be negative) and add to bus.
Returns load dictionary with new id ('id') and bus number ('i') set
newid = available_load_id(bus)
realar1=load.get('pl', 0) # set PL [default 0]
realar2=load.get('ql', 0) # set QL [default 0]
load['id'] = newid
load['i'] = bus
return load
def available_load_id(bus):
"""Returns a random available load id for a bus."""
taken_ids = load_ids_for_bus(bus)
while True:
newid = uuid.uuid4().hex[:2]
if newid not in taken_ids:
return newid
def load_ids_for_bus(target_bus):
"""returns existing load ids in a list for a bus."""
buses, ierr = psspy.aloadint(
-1, # all buses
flag=4, # for all loads
string=["NUMBER"]) # get bus number
ids, ierr = psspy.aloadchar(
-1, # all buses
flag=4, # for all loads
string=["ID"]) # get load id
# converts [[101], [102]] and [['1'], ['2']] to [[101, '1'], [102, '2']]
allbuses = zip(zip(*buses)[0], zip(*ids)[0])
return [id for (bus, id) in allbuses if target_bus == bus]
I didn't test this code out with PSSE. I think it should work though.
(edit) Compare using add_load_to
with load_data_3
or load_data_4
load = {'ql': 20}
add_load_to(102, load)
# versus
psspy.load_data_4(102, '1 ', realar2=20)
The problem with load_data_4
is that if there is already a load with id '1 '
then it will be overwritten, add_load_to
never overwrites a load because it creates a new unique load id for you.
@Hector, what is the outcome you are after here?