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Error running PSSE from Python 3.7.3

asked Jan 26 '1

windcrusader gravatar image

updated Jan 26 '1

I get the following error in my Python script following the psspy.psseinit(2000) command. Has anyone seen this before and do they know what the fix is?

PSS(R)E Version 34 Copyright (c) 1976-2021 Siemens Industry, Inc., Power Technologies International (PTI) This program is a confidential unpublished work created and first licensed in 1976. It is a trade secret which is the property of PTI. All use, disclosure, and/or reproduction not specifically authorized by PTI is prohibited. This program is protected under copyright laws of non-U.S. countries and by application of international treaties. All Rights Reserved Under The Copyright Laws.

File "C:\Users\bradh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python373\lib\", line 177 file=sys.stderr) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Running PSS/E V34.7.0 on Win 10

3 answers

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answered Jan 26 '1

windcrusader gravatar image

updated Feb 1 '1


I have managed to resolve this issue by uninstalling various extraneous installations of Python on the machine e.g Anaconda installs etc. It seems there must have been some kind of path issue or similar which was pointing PSS/E to the wrong Python files or executables.

The Python installed is the 32 bit version. The manual says 34.7.0 is compatible with Python 3.7 and comes bundled with 3.7.3 so it should work. However, I note the version I downloaded is a release candidate 34.7.0 RC3, so perhaps there is a bug?



During PSSe installation, select the option to install python 3.7 You do not have to download it.

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jan 26 '1)

answered Jan 26 '1

jconto gravatar image

updated Jan 26 '1

PSSe 34 installs python 3.7, 32-bit at c:\python37

Your python path "C:\Users\bradh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python373\lib\" seems to be from a process other that PSSe and such python could be 64-bit. PSSe v.34 only work with python in 32-bit format. Consider uninstalling those extra python version and re-install PSSe 34 with default python v.3.7



nope it's 32 bit.

windcrusader gravatar imagewindcrusader (Jan 26 '1)

answered Jan 26 '1

likethevegetable gravatar image

The last time I checked, PSSE V34 is compatible with Python 3.4.



PSSE v34.8.0 works with Python v.3.4 or v.3.7, also v.2.7 but the installation process only install python 3.7

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jan 26 '1)

OP is running V34.7.0, perhaps that's not compatible.

likethevegetable gravatar imagelikethevegetable (Jan 26 '1)

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Asked: Jan 26 '1

Seen: 2,340 times

Last updated: Feb 01 '21