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Environment Manager doesn't detect PSSE version error

asked 2020-10-29 15:50:18 -0600

anonymous user


I am trying to convert my UDM from the Flecs code into a DLL to be used in PSSE (this is the first time I am doing this). I found in PSSE documentation reference to the Environment Manager (EM) exe. However when I tried running it I get an error saying the PSSE version cannot be read. What would be the solution? I am using a student version and before I could check the version, but recently whenever I tried to do this PSSE crashes. I believe they could be related. Has anyone come across this issue before? If yes, what would you suggest I try?

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answered 2020-10-30 08:48:04 -0600

jconto gravatar image

Crashes during start up are no good. Try to re-install PSSe, with its default paths. BTW, to use EM to compile a flex/fortran code, a Fortran compiler is needed. Check the installation manual about it.

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Thank you! I tried re-installing PSSE, I believe there was an error with the installion before. I tried running the EM but now there was an issue about Python directory. Could be related to having more than one python version installed?

EMagsPT gravatar imageEMagsPT ( 2020-11-30 03:58:34 -0600 )edit

Check the post "Python 3.7 w/ PSSE 34" and post the error messages. What PSSe version(S) and python version(S) are installed, Fortran version?

jconto gravatar imagejconto ( 2020-11-30 11:04:17 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2020-10-29 15:50:18 -0600

Seen: 598 times

Last updated: Oct 30 '20