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Is it possible to make an "interface" channel in PSSE for dynamics studies?

asked Oct 21 '0

Type1_bus gravatar image

I would like to create a channel such that I can monitor an interface which contains 3 branches such that I can get the sum of branches A+B+C

2 answers

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answered Oct 22 '0

perolofl gravatar image

You can write a user model that sums the power of the lines and stores the result in a VAR.



Thanks! Is there a UMD editor in PSSE that I can use to make this?

Type1_bus gravatar imageType1_bus (Oct 23 '0)

No. You have to write the code yourself.

perolofl gravatar imageperolofl (Oct 23 '0)

answered Oct 22 '0

You can add Functions after getting the out file to a plot the summation of flow in branches.



Plot book --> Plot attibutes --> Add fuction Name: Sum (or whatever) Arithmetic function: A+B+C and click verify Select the channel file and then, the variables A,B and C. In the Plot Tree, function folder you have the sum

pff gravatar imagepff (Oct 22 '0)

Thanks for this! I was looking for something which I could use to monitor it as part of the simulation, but this way works well too.

Type1_bus gravatar imageType1_bus (Oct 23 '0)

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Asked: Oct 21 '0

Seen: 680 times

Last updated: Oct 22 '20