Is it possible to make an "interface" channel in PSSE for dynamics studies?
I would like to create a channel such that I can monitor an interface which contains 3 branches such that I can get the sum of branches A+B+C
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I would like to create a channel such that I can monitor an interface which contains 3 branches such that I can get the sum of branches A+B+C
Plot book --> Plot attibutes --> Add fuction Name: Sum (or whatever) Arithmetic function: A+B+C and click verify Select the channel file and then, the variables A,B and C. In the Plot Tree, function folder you have the sum
Thanks for this! I was looking for something which I could use to monitor it as part of the simulation, but this way works well too.
Asked: Oct 21 '0
Seen: 680 times
Last updated: Oct 22 '20
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