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Playback in PSS/E V34.0.1 Dynamic simulation Not working

asked Jun 14 '0

cheema gravatar image

Hi, I have a 5 bus system with one infinite machine and one type 4 wind farm equivalent generator with WT4G1 and WT4E1 models. I am using the PLBVFU1 model for the infinite machine and I also have created a .plb file to apply a step change at 1 second in the .plb file to see the response of WT4E1. There is a GSU transformer (0.8:35kV) for the wind turbine and a 35 kV to 345 kV transformer to connect to the grid. I don't see any change in my MVAR or voltage after 1 second which I was expecting to see from the playback file. Here is the .plb file content:

1,1.03,60,0,0 1.0 ,0.95,60,0,0 2 ,0.95,60,0,0

Does anyone have any idea why .plb file is not working? I couldn't find PLBVFU1 in the Models.pdf document for PSSE 34.0.1. Does it mean I don't have playback in my PSS/E library? Thank you for the help!


Can you post here the dynamic simulation initialization message? You may want to check if the plb file is read successfully during initialization.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Jun 14 '0)

Yes, there is some issue in initialization. I get the following message: 5 diagonal and 4 off-diagonal elements BUS 101 [INFINITE 345.00] MC 1 USER DEFINED MACHINE MODEL "TLBVFU1" NOT ACCESSIBLE BUS 101 [INFINITE 345.00] MC 1 USER DEFINED MACHINE MODEL "PLBVFU1" NOT ACCESSIBLE

cheema gravatar imagecheema (Jun 14 '0)

I suppose "Not Accessible" means that it is no loaded in the library? What is TLBVFU1? I only had PLBVFU1. Thank you!

cheema gravatar imagecheema (Jun 14 '0)

PLBVFU1 is a internal UDM model, available in v.34. TLBVFU1 is a sub_model within the PLBVFU1 model code. It seems that the machine 101 is not being matched with the PLBVFU1 as defined in the dyr file. BTW, the industry is using the second generation of renewable models (REEC family)

jconto gravatar imagejconto (Jun 14 '0)

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answered Jun 14 '0

cheema gravatar image

It seems like PSS/E V34.0.1 doesn't come with the PLBVFU1 library. It was added in V34.1 on wards. I found the library dll file for V33 but does anyone know how to get the dll file for PLBVFU1 for V34.0.1? Thanks!


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Asked: Jun 14 '0

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Last updated: Jun 14 '20