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python interpreter not found

asked 2020-05-22 07:28:15 -0600

nck gravatar image

HI When I press Power Flow > Reports> Export ACCC, PV/QV results it appears a box with python interpreter not found

I hope someone can help me

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answered 2020-05-25 04:03:04 -0600

jfconroy gravatar image

Are you sure that you have Python installed correctly and linked to PSS/E? Try running this line of code in the PSS/E Command Line Input and see what happens.

import sys ; print "Python version: " + str(sys.version) + " ; Version Info: " + str(sys.version_info)

I can't upload screenshots from my PC because I don't have enough karma points.

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Comments it says import is not recognized

nck gravatar imagenck ( 2020-05-26 02:34:03 -0600 )edit

You're trying to run a Python command from the PSS/E command window; that will not work. Perhaps I caused this confusion. I was talking about the command line input from within the PSS/E GUI.

jfconroy gravatar imagejfconroy ( 2020-05-29 01:58:55 -0600 )edit

Dear jfconroy I want to thank you, for taking the time to help me, when I write the line it says python exception raised I am sending you the screenshot (

nck gravatar imagenck ( 2020-05-30 09:45:56 -0600 )edit

OK, I can see that you are using PSS/E v35. I use v34. I think that v35 uses Python v3.x. Therefore, try putting this into the "Command Line Imput" and see what happens. import sys ; print("Python version: " + str(sys.version) + " ; Version Info: " + str(sys.version_info))

jfconroy gravatar imagejfconroy ( 2020-06-02 04:08:35 -0600 )edit

HI, installed PSSE 35.1 version and know when I enter the code its says " Python version: 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05), but the box with "python interpreter not found" don't pop out anymore, just the command window for a second and disappears and nothing else happens

nck gravatar imagenck ( 2020-06-04 06:31:46 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2020-05-22 07:28:15 -0600

Seen: 645 times

Last updated: May 25 '20