Where can I find good tutorials to initiate python with PSSE?
I need to work on my thesis and I need to work things with python. Any suggestions will be valuable.
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I need to work on my thesis and I need to work things with python. Any suggestions will be valuable.
Learn Python the general programming language before going into the specifics for PSSE.
Start by learning PY3. Then find out what's different PY2, since you probably need PY2 for PSSE (version dependent).
PY2 is obsolete.
PY is easy. There is freebook, 'Automate the Boring Stuff with Python', which is a good start.
Programmers tech themselves, just as academics in academia. Since you are in the area of research, sure you are familiar with the latter. The rest is practice and learn from your peers.
Steps to PSSe + python proficiency:
1: Learn python. The net has many tutorials.
2: Learn PSSe. Memorize all the PSSe command (= activities) needed to do 'something'. Record your PSSe session to python. Review the PSSe manuals.
3: Learn the PSSe python API (most of PSSe commands in step 2 have counterpart in the API)
4: Search this forum, the net, college websites, gibhut, etc. for discussion or python code on related topics for your thesis.
5: go to 1
Asked: 2020-05-09 07:03:36 -0600
Seen: 753 times
Last updated: May 11 '20
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