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Voltage Spike after deep fault

asked Apr 7 '0

anonymous user


Hi Guys,

Basically this is can be seen for deep faults in PSSE that voltage at the bus that fault was applied will spike for one-time step. I understand this is only an artefact and occurs in only one time step but I'm wondering that if there is a pro tip to avoid this? or to at least minimise this spike.

Much appreciated.

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answered Apr 8 '0

lmcqueen gravatar image

This is frequent on generic renewable energy models. Things to look for: a. Is the simulation converging during fault? If not, it is highly like that a spurious voltage or frequency spike occurs. Look for a way to make the simulation converging even during faulted condition. In my opinion, non-convergence during fault is still acceptable since the treatment of fault on dynamic simulation programs is a "mathematical discontinuity". However, the recovery causes spikes in frequency or voltage. b. Try to adjust network simulation time step. c. Look for adjustable filter time constants in the model. You may want to reduce this so high frequency spikes will be eliminated.



Indeed you are right, I'm testing an inverter model and during the fault, it is non-convergence condition. there is a restricted guideline and I can't change the simulation parameter setting. Both DELT and filter must be 0.001 and 0.008. I will check whether if the model filter can fix it.

JbFord gravatar imageJbFord (Apr 8 '0)

You can follow the guideline. Also, you may want to change the fault impedance if it is possible to adjust so long as it will still give "zero voltage" at the faulted bus.

lmcqueen gravatar imagelmcqueen (Apr 20 '0)

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Asked: Apr 7 '0

Seen: 835 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '20