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Hourly users - how do you minimise your hourly usage?

asked 2012-11-15 16:26:25 -0600

JervisW gravatar image

Hi there, those of us with an hourly license know the feeling. You close the PSSE program and that little pop up tells you how many hours you have left.

With each hour costing up to US $30 - It's wise to avoid wasting them. There are folk-law stories of consultants running the same 200 hour licence for their entire careers.

So, how do you minimise your usage?

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answered 2012-11-15 17:18:54 -0600

AdamF gravatar image

I run PSSE as often as I can through python, copying in the code provided by PTI to provide system paths which allow the import of psspy. My scripts can then be executed by double clicking them or running them through a python environment if debugging is necessary. This is a broad description of my approach to saving my own time when working with PSSE. It has the benefit of reducing the hours used on my PSSE license as well.

When I upgrade PSSE versions from time to time I get new dongles and therefore don't need to be ultra-conservative on hours so I try to target only those tasks which are most wastefull of my time. Here's one example:

Here is a very generic sample of python code for loading a set of cases one at a time and performing some operation on all of them.

psspy.progress_output(2, 'transcript.txt',[0,0])
psspy.prompt_output(2, 'transcript.txt', [2,0])
psspy.report_output(2, 'transcript.txt',[2,0])
cases = ['2013SUM','2013FAL','2013WIN'] #usually many more than three cases
for case in cases:'MyCaseSeries-' + case + '.sav')
    psspy.runrspnsfile('MyIDEV-' + case + '.sav')
    #perform other tasks...
    ival = psspy.solved()
    if ival == 0:'MyCaseSeries-' + case + '-improved.sav')
        print case, 'solved:)'
        print case, 'not solved:('

This code will write all the gory details of my process into 'transcript.txt' but will provide me with easy to read output on the python terminal to indicate whether the cases solved after making changes. I often run dozens of idevs on a set of 16 or more cases using this method.

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Asked: 2012-11-15 16:26:25 -0600

Seen: 889 times

Last updated: Nov 15 '12