How to delete single channel in snapshot or only add Branch VARS channel by itself

asked Oct 17 '19

bronco7TX gravatar image

I have some scripts that systematically add channels to a case based on a user defined input file. In an effort to keep the out file as small as possible, the code doesn't add duplicate channels. My current problem is say a user already defined a branch P channel:

psspy.branchpchannel([1, -1, -1, 1, 2] '1 ', 'POWR_BRANCH 1-2 ID1')

Later, the user is importing some branches to define an interface and wants both P and Q channels for each branch. Since the user has already defined the P channel, I only want the code to add the Q channel for the branch. Problem is I can only use the pq channel function:

psspy.branchpqchannel([2, -1, -1, 1, 2] '1 ', 'POWR_BRANCH 1-2 ID1')

This creates 2 new channes, POWR on channel 2, and VARS on channel 3.

This however creates a duplicate POWR channel I don't want. I have two questions: 1. Can I just delete a single channel by index (#2 in this example)? I know you can delete all channels, but I don't want to do that because I want to keep all previously added channels. 2. Can I just add the VARS channel without adding the POWR channel?

This same situation applies to psspy.voltageandangle_channel(), I'd like know if I can only add the ANGLE channel without adding the VOLT channel.