Multi-Terminal dc LINK with HVDC-VSC Link
Hi Everyone,
I would like to know whether PSS\E can perform the load flow and transient stability analysis for a power sytem with multi-terminal HVDC with VSC DC link ?
Thank you so much!
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Hi Everyone,
I would like to know whether PSS\E can perform the load flow and transient stability analysis for a power sytem with multi-terminal HVDC with VSC DC link ?
Thank you so much!
The distribution of PSSe include a case "sample.sav" that models multi-terminal HVDC with VSC DC link. It woks for load flow. To make it work for transient stability analysis, dynamics models of those devices are needed.
Thank for your comment. I found the sample.sav including the data of 2-Term DC (point to point), VSC-DC (point to point) and N-Term DC (multi-point). However, it seems that the N-Term DC is the mult-terminal of LCC technology but I want to perform a study of multi-terminal of VSC technology.
Asked: Sep 19 '19
Seen: 932 times
Last updated: Sep 27 '19
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