Solar PV using REGCA models

asked 2019-08-16 13:39:58 -0600

jconto gravatar image

updated 2019-08-16 20:16:49 -0600

For a PSSe demo on the use of the solar PV generic model (REGCA family), download the file ' from my google drive site.

To execute a run, follow instructions in the readme file.

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Shall the 'REPCAU1' details appear in PSSE solar PV tab? After running the Python script or loading the dynamic data file, I have not found it?

Quang Vinh gravatar imageQuang Vinh ( 2022-06-17 15:28:31 -0600 )edit

Check the "Wind Machine" lower tab in the "Dynamics Data" top tab, all to the right under column "Auxiliary control".

jconto gravatar imagejconto ( 2022-06-17 15:44:13 -0600 )edit

Thank you for your helpful reply!

Quang Vinh gravatar imageQuang Vinh ( 2022-06-17 15:51:45 -0600 )edit