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GENTRA not converging

asked Aug 16 '19

MV564 gravatar image

updated Aug 16 '19

Hello guys,

I wrote a transient stability code in Python for my thesis, and now I'm asked to validate some of my results using PSSE. I already read some guides in about dynamic simulations in PSSE and did a test with the classic model. For some reason my simulations fails to converge (i.e. goes nan) with the GENTRA model. I really need to use this model, as it is the one I programmed in my stability code.

After doing some testing I realized that if I change my ZSOURCE to be different than X'd, it will converge but to won't give a good result. When I place ZSOURCE to be the same value as X'd, I will get the same initial conditions but it won't converge, even in steady state (no fault).

Here are my files: (, the .sav is has already the generators and load converted.

I'm pretty lost right now, so I would really appreciate some help, Thanks in advance, Martín

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answered Aug 16 '19

MV564 gravatar image

Hello, I will answer my own question.

I didn't set S(1.0), S(1.2) on the GENTRA model, so I changed them from zero to S(1.0) = 1.01, and S(1.2) = 1.02, as on jconto's 9bus system machines (I forgot to mention I'm simulating that system too, but with 3rd order machines). I also changed the acceleration factor of the machines from zero to 0.1.

Now the system is running. Will add exciters and governors now.

Feel free to add any comments on this.


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Asked: Aug 16 '19

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Last updated: Aug 16 '19