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Module dyntools is not being imported PyCharm

asked May 8 '19

toderesa97 gravatar image

I am using python version 3.7 and I am trying to import the dyntools module to convert the output of a binary file (generated by psspy.strt) to a readable format (you may remember my (question)). I do not whether I am using an incorrect version of python but with version 2.7 (the one needed to execute the python API of the PSSEXPLORE34).

I have been looking out there I cannot find anything related to this topic. And the information about the module dyntools is really broad.

Thanks for any help that you can provide,


2 answers

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answered May 8 '19

Gary22212 gravatar image

updated May 8 '19

Hi, Can you use python 3.7 to execute the API in PSS/E 34 version?




I made the assumption, that `dyntools` would not work using version 2.7 of Python (the one I am currently using for version PSSEXPLORE 34), but turned out it worked well. Thanks.

toderesa97 gravatar imagetoderesa97 (May 9 '19)

answered May 8 '19

drsgao gravatar image

I think this is a problem related to your PATH. Is the path of the PSSBIN folder in your encironmental variable 'PATH'? If not, add the path to it, then you may need to logoff and login again for it to take effect.



I managed to make it work by simply deleting the project and recreating it. Thanks anyway for your reply.

toderesa97 gravatar imagetoderesa97 (May 8 '19)

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Asked: May 8 '19

Seen: 578 times

Last updated: May 08 '19