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why database is not available in SLD

asked 2019-05-01 09:02:06 -0600

RDP gravatar image

I had created the buses and lines in SLD. The diagram was in setting 'bind changes to network data'. File suddenly stopped working. hence could not save. When I again open the auto recovered version, there is a data in the .sav file which i recently added but .sld shows the pink sld and does not open the dialoge box of any lines or buses. Please help. Thanks

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answered 2019-05-02 19:45:23 -0600

drsgao gravatar image
  1. Unbide the SLD from the SAV
  2. Delete the pink elements
  3. Grow from the buses that the pink elements connected to
  4. You should get the elements back but they are in funny places on the SLD
  5. Reorganise the elements for the SLD sake
  6. Job done
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answered 2019-05-01 14:55:56 -0600

acd1 gravatar image

By default, pink equipment shown in slider diagrams means that that equipment is not found in the network data. Thus PSSE will not be able to open a dialog box for the missing elements.

You need to be sure that the bus numbers, circuit IDs, load IDs, generator IDs, etc. are identical to what you used to create your diagram. If they are not identical, you'll need to make a new diagram or adjust those identifiers as necessary.

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Asked: 2019-05-01 09:02:06 -0600

Seen: 689 times

Last updated: May 02 '19