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Generator ZSORCE incompatibility

asked 2019-01-25 11:30:45 -0600

rafaels100 gravatar image

Hello ! I am trying to run the dynamic simulation and Im getting this error: "Generator ZSORCE incompatibility (automatic reconciliation will be done)" And after a couple of these errors, this appears: " 3010 diagonal and 4697 off-diagonal elements. Fatal data errors found. RUN will be disabled" Any ideas why this is happening? Thanks !

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answered 2019-01-30 18:57:24 -0600

oppossumX gravatar image

If you're sure your dynamic model data is correct then you can use ierr = set_disable_run(0) to disable the simulation option setting that precludes dynamic simulation runs in the event there are fatal errors in the model data.

The automatic Zsource reconciliation should work fine and in my experience doesn't result in fatal errors though. Try running the DOCU command in data checking mode on your dynamic data. Check the output for any suspicious parameters or look for red colored cells in your dynamic data when it is loaded in the PSSE GUI. (Red colored cells indicate a fatal error in your dynamic data)

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answered 2019-01-28 05:24:54 -0600

lmcqueen gravatar image

The machine power flow data Xsource must be the same with the X" entered in the generator dynamic model. The Xsource/X" is the generator's unsaturated sub-transient reactance.

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Asked: 2019-01-25 11:30:45 -0600

Seen: 1,059 times

Last updated: Jan 30 '19