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Do anyone know how to use DCLF in psse?

asked Nov 28 '18

Corey gravatar image

Trying ACLF using python API to find thermal issues is slower. I am trying to use DCLF to find thermal issues but when I run DCLF, I am seeing all NaN values. Can anyone help me with this issue? Thank you

3 answers

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answered Jan 4 '19

Way2cool gravatar image

updated Jan 4 '19

Run Power Flow solution as is:

  1. Lock transformer taps
  2. Lock any reactive shunts (specifically capacitor switching)

Remember : DC load flow is a linear load flow to test for thermal overloads (Rate A, B and C)


answered Dec 22 '18

Corey gravatar image

I want to open and close particular line and calculate the impact on the other line. Currently, I am running AC solution every time transmission line is opened and closed. I thought if I can use DCLF, it would be a lot faster. When I tried to use DCLF, it worked on some cases but I am seeing NaN's with other cases. I am not sure, what I am missing here. Even if run DCLF successfully, how can I read data using python API? Thank you for your help.



This means that the dclf blows up while making the assumptions going from ac solution to the DC solution. Check your ac solution and see if you get a correctly solved case. See if there any mismatches.

txc gravatar imagetxc (Dec 23 '18)

answered Dec 1 '18

txc gravatar image

NaN is a PSS/E way of telling the user that the output is junk or Not a Number. Could you elaborate what you are exactly trying to accomplish


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Asked: Nov 28 '18

Seen: 721 times

Last updated: Jan 04 '19