Why there are so many ratings?
Hello ! I understand that the ratings are for specifying thermal limits in the branches or the transformers, but why do we have 12 ? Wouldn't just one be enough ? Thanks for any insights on this matter, regards !
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Hello ! I understand that the ratings are for specifying thermal limits in the branches or the transformers, but why do we have 12 ? Wouldn't just one be enough ? Thanks for any insights on this matter, regards !
Transmission lines have different ratings for different ambient temperatures. Also different rating for normal operation and short time overload operation after contingencies. There are equipments in the breaker bay with different current rating, e.g. breaker, current transformer, switches.
From rev 34 there are twelve ratings, which is enough for the need of most users. You just use the number of ratings that are necessary for you needs.
Asked: 2018-10-31 10:04:59 -0500
Seen: 553 times
Last updated: Nov 01 '18