Is there a quick way to convert .dyr file to .dyd?
Is there a quick way to convert PSS/E .dyr file to PSLF .dyd? Is there a way to extract the file in .dyd format from PSS/E?
Thanks, Omid
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Is there a quick way to convert PSS/E .dyr file to PSLF .dyd? Is there a way to extract the file in .dyd format from PSS/E?
Thanks, Omid
PSLF has a build in functional EPCL “dynamics data conversion.p” which can accomplish this. However as an engineer we must pay attendtion to the DYD file after such conversion, such as whether the mwcap data is present in the Governor model and do we want to use mwcap data.
Otherwise, as an engineer we can build spreadsheet tools and match each model’s parameters.
There is no way to extract DYD directly out of PSS/E.
That is not possible to do in PSS/E. Isn’t PSLF able to import .dyr file?
Asked: 2018-10-14 19:36:45 -0500
Seen: 1,020 times
Last updated: Oct 16 '18